

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Goin' the Extra Five

Well I feel as though I'm long overdue posting an update.  I'm almost one month into this, and frankly, I've been surprised at my own consistency.  Almost everything that I eat is recorded (although I have come to loathe potlucks for the difficulty they pose, how in the he!? do you record a casserole) and I've been at the gym three days a week.

Now, I don't want you to get me wrong, I've had my difficult moments, say, driving by Culvers and having the "flavor of the day" sign taunt me with it's delicious temptations.  But, so dar, I've chosen to keep it at bay, opting for a yummy nature valley granola bar, or even an apple.  It hasn't been easy to date, but it's been pretty manageable.

Today I decided to push it, I added an additional five minutes to the treadmill.  Physically, it wasn't really a big deal, but psychologically, oh boy, it might as well have been five hours.  I couldn't take my eyes of the timer for that last five minutes.  But, you know what? I rocked it and it feels pretty darn good.

Well that's all for now.  Keep prayin' for and believin' in me.  Knowing I have peeps behind helps more than you know!

Off to hit the showers,


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