As I journey along this newfound path, I will, in an attempt to bring you into my world, offer some "Confessions" from time to time. Here is the first:
"I'd almost rather be a crack addict than a food addict."
Now before you protest and pontificate about how crack addiction is worse and far more deadly, let me offer the following insights.
We live in a culture in which food is an ever accessible and even culturally acceptable commodity. We live in a supersize world of ever expanding meal portions and waistbands. What I mean is this: If I were to come to your home, you would never stop and think about not offering me a snack, or if it's say for lunch or dinner, a full meal. But, if I came to your house, lit a crack pipe and smoked it in your home, odds are that I'd 1) be quickly ushered out and 2) probably never be invited back again.
Food addiction is the only addiction in which it is completely acceptable to indulge in anytime and any place.
Now, when I say food addiction, let me take a moment to define what I mean. No, I don't freebase Ho Hos and Twinkies. You'll never find me holed up in a room some where jamming candy bars down my gullet. What I mean when I say "food addiction" is that food is an escape, a welcome friend that never turns you down. It is the constant nagging and alluring mistress that you love and hate at the same time.
So yes, I'd rather be a crack addict, holed up somewhere snorting, snuffing and inhaling, only to come home, shower up and walk around with an invisible culturally unacceptable addiction, rather than one I wear every single day of my life; an addiction that our supersize culture taunts me with on a daily basis.